November 28, 2005

Dear santa

It's me Justin. You probably remember that as a child I requested a puppy for Christmas one year! I thought it was so cool when you made my wish a reality.
Now, that I am all grown up, I still believe that Christmas dreams can come true, if you are a good person.
The one thing I want most for Christmas is not for me, but for those around me. My brothers barely get a chance tto spend time with me. I appologize for this. I would like them to know not a day goes by that I am not thinking of them. For them, I hope that in the comming year I will be able to spend more time with them.
For my parents and grandparents if you can Santa give them the reassurance that I will be okay, and that all will be taken care of.
Well wishes and whatever else my closest friends need I hope you can bring into their lives!
To the fans who have stayed true and dedicated throughout my short career may their holidays be joyful, and they find the perfect gift this season.

thanks Santa many blessings,

Remember this is merely fiction and has no baring on the real Justin Timberlake, any likeness is not intential. I do not own Justin. his parents. grandparents and friends, nor am I associated with him or his family and friends.

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